Service Team

Instantly add an average of 15 years of industry experience to your organization with your dedicated service team. We will assist you with the highest quality of service to surpass your expectations, without pushing a sales agenda.


Offer a plan that your staff will love. (For real.) With all the new and emerging trends in employee benefits, we keep you ahead of the curve with your offerings.


Our benefits are designed to be accessible for all — whether you have five employees, or twenty five. Our licensed advisors will help you craft the right benefits for your budget.

From hire to retire, we've got you covered

Attract, motivate, and retain the best talent for your business

No surprises at renewal time

It’s our job to save you money today — and for years to come. We’ll make sure that your company has an insurance plan that doesn’t jump in price at renewal time.

Protect your business

We’ll say it like it is — a happy, healthy team is better for your business and your bottom line.

Doesn't cost you an extra penny

We know you want to give your employees all the perks, but it can get pricey. That’s where we come in.

C.V. Benefits Inc.

Specializes in helping plan your financial future through insurance services including life, disability, and critical illness, as well as financial planning services that include RRSP’s, RESP’s, TFSA’s and other investments.

Call us today to book an appointment

or receive a free quote on your benefits needs

For Individuals & Families

Want your business to stand above the rest? With our group benefit and investment services, we can provide health and benefits packages to individuals and families. We are proud to offer a variety of benefit options to suit your specific needs while saving you money.

After checking with various health plan providers, our company selected C.V. Benefits and their Health Spending Account. We found their presentations of the product very complete with all the necessary information making us comfortable with our choice. The claims have been processed quickly with returns arriving in a timely fashion. As there is an office locally, we are able to call or drop in any time and have immediate answers to any questions or concerns. We have been pleased with their service.

Mary Hendricks
Elim Society of Lethbridge

Insurance Partners

C.V. Benefits has partnered with Acera Insurance Broker Network to provide you with all your home, tenant, auto, travel and commercial needs at the best price from Canada wide insurers.

In all my dealings with C.V. Benefits I have had no problem getting the things done that I needed to get done. All the staff is very friendly and helpful. When a problem arises they are on it right away and we can get it resolved very quickly. I would like to thank all the staff at C.V. Benefits for their support and hard work.

Juanita Charbonneau
Administrator, Greens Pop Shop Ltd


Free Strategic Guidance to Safeguard your Business

"In all my dealings with C.V. Benefits I have had no problem getting the things done that I needed to get done. All the staff is very friendly and helpful. When a problem arises they are on it right away and we can get it resolved very quickly. I would like to thank all the staff at C.V. Benefits for their support and hard work."

-Juanita Charbonneau | Administrator, Greens Pop Shop Ltd


"After checking with various health plan providers, our company selected C.V. Benefits and their Health Spending Account. We found their presentations of the product very complete with all the necessary information making us comfortable with our choice. The claims have been processed quickly with returns arriving in a timely fashion. As there is an office locally, we are able to call or drop in any time and have immediate answers to any questions or concerns. We have been pleased with their service."

-Mary Hendricks | Elim Society of Lethbridge

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